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Whoever you are planning to vote for in the next presidential election, the ultimate question you should ask yourself is as follows:




Whatever your answer is, your answer is more about you than the person you are voting for because:

Elections say more about the voters than the people they elect,”

Axel de Landalay


This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of the United States and especially for any American who intends to vote in the 2024 presidential election.


If it is customary for a book to start telling the reader what it is all about, it is less customary to tell the reader what it is not.


This book is not fictional. Everything related has already happened or is happening right now. The only thing that could be considered fictional pertains to the predictions of what will happen in the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election.

More importantly and contrary to its appearance, this book is not a rehashed litany of everything going wrong in America nor an anti-patriotic rant to vent the frustration that the great U.S.A. is no longer what it pretends to be.


It is not a dystopian book either in the sense that it describes events and a society that is projected far into the future. For America, the future is now. Although it may sometimes appear that way, this book is not anti-Trump either. It is only about what he represents and what he is single-handedly doing to America.


In short, this book is an attempt to explain that monumental shift in the American Psyche by deconstructing how America, the leading economic and military superpower, a model of a free society, way of life, liberty, and democracy, is facing an existential threat and coming to the brink of becoming a banana republic.


Finally, this book is directed at any open-minded American worrying about the direction his country is going and to all the people around the world who do not follow American politics and do not understand how the object of their admiration could be on the brink of committing collective suicide and fallen so quickly to demagogy, selfishness, hatred, and sectarianism. In essence, this book is a post-mortem analysis of a paradise lost that could be seen as a lesson and a warning to other democracies around the world experimenting or reminiscing about the good old days of fascism.


As the country grapples with pressing challenges from the economy, immigration, gun control, healthcare, climate change, social justice, political divide, and global insecurity, with the 2024 United States presidential election, the country is facing unprecedented stakes that may very well place it at a crossroads that will shape the future of American democracy. With this deadline in mind, this book provides a comprehensive, cautionary, and unbiased examination of how our great nation got to the brink of the abyss and is on the verge of committing collective suicide rather than living together in two different realities. But driving toward the precipice of an American democracy apocalypse is not ineluctable. After reading this book, the most important question for you will be,” What am I going to do about it?

“I had a dream,” said Martin Luther King.

Our certitudes, attitudes, and ineptitudes killed it.

Axel de Landalay



Common beliefs have let us assume that lightning cannot strike because it is not raining or that the sky is blue where we are. Not true. If you can hear thunder, lightning is close enough to be an immediate danger to you. The same goes for our democracy. We childishly rely on the strength of our Constitution and institutions to believe that it is beyond the realm of reality that our great nation could fall from grace to become a banana republic. But make no mistake, a storm is coming. The cumulus of an alternate reality is gathering overhead, the temperature of civil liberties is drastically falling, the wind of open-arm rebellion is picking up, the barometric pressure that keeps our institutions apolitical is falling and the birds of ill omen are flying low. All the telltale signs of an ignominious storm are here for all of us to see. And the unfathomable “hara-kiri” of a once proud and great nation is ineluctable.

The Trump Party, formerly known as the Republican Party, is now officially a sect and is too far down the rabbit hole to turn around and see the light. Chances that the GOP miraculously develops a spine are like relying on spontaneous human combustion to light up a campfire. On the positive side, the rules of the game are now clear. The “Trumpsters” no longer pretend that they give a damn about our democracy and are now overtly advocating armed insurrection to topple our institutions to achieve their goal of having a president for life.


The Democrats,for their part have good intentions but are not emotionally equipped to stand up to bullies. Always apologizing when kicked in the butt by Trumpsters, they still believe in the old political rules of respect and compromise. Given who they are facing, there is nothing really to inspire confidence that they are up to the task of saving a sinking ship.


There is however, one chance, albeit a feeble one, that the “Shining City on the Hill” won’t become a banana republic. For this to happen, our country has to find a charismatic leader who could unify all the Americans who still live in this reality, not an alternate one, to create a brand new party.  The French did it a few years ago when they became fed up with traditional right-left politicians. But that’s the French, they have a history of going up to the barricades when they want political things to change. As for us, we hold massive rallies and protest marches that go nowhere.


We Americans are not very keen on history. We either ignore it, re-write it, or occult it. But to understand who we are, we should at least remember and never forget that our country was founded on two capital sins: genocide and slavery. We are a violent society. The government we deserve depends on us. We had a revolution to get rid of a King. Are we having another revolution to anoint a dictator?


Whatever we do, we better keep in mind this inalienable truth:




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First chapter 
  from Part I

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First chapter 
  from Part II

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How to subvert a democracy for "Dear Leader" Wannabes:                     In 12 easy steps





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