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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Axel de Landalay

I could tell you that I was born in a little town in rural America to parents who inculcated in me the solid American values that generations of our forbearers have fought and shed blood to uphold and defend against enemies, foreign and domestic.

I could tell you that I married the sweetheart of my life and that our children went on to become productive contributors to our society, which has become the envy of the world.

I could tell you that my professional career and social life are a poster vision of the American Dream and that major life experiences have given me the insight to reflect on our society, politics, economy, and human nature that I must share with whoever is inclined to listen.


I could tell you that my impeccable higher education and career credentials gave me the assurance to speak with authority on the myriads of things that ills our society and political system. Finally,


I could tell you that being completely apolitical gives me the liberty of formulating unbiased assessments, to tread in politically incorrect territory, to be completely disrespectful in my judgments, and calling a spade a spade.


All I could tell you about me is irrelevant because this book could have been written by you. Anybody with a minimum of intelligence, integrity, historical knowledge, curiosity, critical thinking, common sense, honesty, and good faith could have found the inspiration to write it. So, in essence, you, the reader, is also the writer. Those lines could have been your thoughts, your beliefs, and your views on the status of our republic and the path our great country is heading to.

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