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Subverting a democracy by democratic means is relatively easy. Countless charismatic politicians, military men, or your average Joe Blow have surfed on the nationalist wave of their country to do just that. It is, therefore, a well-defined and time-tested playbook that Donald Trump, who has never been coy about his admiration for dictators, is following to the letter.

 Rule number one: Assess your potential

 Rule number two: Become a Messiah of some cause

 Rule number three: thrive on chaos.

 Rule number four: Invoke internal and external enemies

 Rule number five: Undermine the institutions

 Rule number six: secure the allegiance of an army of thugs.

 Rule number seven (this is a great one): Pack the Courts with like-minded Judges

 Rule number eight: Make people cynical of democracy

 Rule number nine: Set up your own propaganda apparatus

 Rule number ten: Make lying and deceit the principal means to achieve your goals

 Rule number eleven: Use the Justice system as your personal “special op” striking force to go after whoever opposes you.

 Rule number twelve: Be ruthless.  

 Finally, here is the most important rule: never give up. If you don’t succeed the first time, try again.  


Accuse others of what you have done or planning to do. It is the golden rule to deflect blame and avoid accountability.


Also included


The “How to subvert democracy for “Dear Leader” Wannabe” elaborated for this book is reproduced here without the commentaries to let the reader assess for himself whether or not Donald Trump has so far checked all the boxes of the “How to subvert democracy for “Dear Leader” Wannabe” playbook.


This assessment will reveal the chances that Donald Trump will “steal” the 2024 presidential election like he has accused his political opponents of stealing the previous one.


ACT III - The climax

How to subvert democracy

for “Dear Leader” Wannabes[1]

In twelve easy steps

annotated for D.J. Trump



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