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Updated: 2 days ago

“I can’t believe that those suckers are actually gobbling up all the bullshit I feed them.” From Trump’s little voice in his head.

Today, as nearly half of the country believes that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, the parallel between the two big lies becomes even more ominous. Not because the Trumpsters do not have a chance to win the next presidential election, on the contrary. They are determined, focused, ruthless, and deprived of any morality. But because, like in 1933, when the Nazis could leverage their minority to seize power, their opposing democratically minded opponents were in great denial that such an aberration could ever happen. What are you talking about? The country of Goethe, Schiller, and Beethoven? Never, we are civilized people!

Well said, in theory! But it is to forget the adage that

“Those who believe in bullshit will commit incredible crimes in its name.”

Besides, Trump already has an army “I love the poorly educated.” D. Trump.

Yes, that makes sense, because

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