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Updated: 2 days ago

So, here is a challenge:

How would you best describe Donald Trump to someone who has never heard of him? Of course, unless someone has been living under a rock for the past decade, such a person would be hard to find, but let’s pretend anyway.

The most common approach would be to compare him to other famous people, an animal, or use a variety of character traits that would best describe the person. Finding one single entity that encompasses most of Trump’s character attributes in another human being is a challenge, given his behavioral uniqueness. So, the real question to properly describe Donald Trump is not to ask who he is but what he is.

Therefore, by comparing Trump’s behavior to any other living creature, there is only one that stands the comparison perfectly: a virus and, more specifically, the

THIEVE-15 virus

First comment: the comparison is not derogatory. Viruses are unique and remarkable in their own way, just like Trump.

But before you label the comparison between Donald Trump and a virus preposterous, outrageous, or surprising, consider this:

·         Viruses are considered semi-intelligent because they can mutate, just like Trump.

·         Viruses don’t have a brain, but they are smart to react to their environment, just like Trump.

·         There is no consciousness in viruses, just like in Trump.

·         As their name suggests, viruses are viral. They can spread fast and very easily infect hosts presenting compatibility or some weaknesses, making them more susceptible to becoming infected. Viruses are normally host-specific, with a preference for those offering the best chance to survive. What differentiates the THIEVE-15 virus is that it is a non-discriminatory equal opportunity host seeker: Any host will do as long that it can serve its purpose of benefiting the virus itself.

Examples of how the THIEVE-15 virus has found fertile ground in infecting hosts by gender, age, and race:


·         A significant number of people aged 65 or older are more exposed to being infected by the THIEVE-15 virus. As being more conservative, this host category finds echoes in Trump’s reminiscing about the good old days of law and order, economic growth, and America first.


·         As far as gender susceptibility to the THIEVE-15 virus is concerned, Republican women, thanks to Trump’s success in overturning the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court abortion ruling, the virus has a stronghold in this particular type of host. However, since Trump has changed sides 14 times on the abortion topic, many of these affected host groups may enter into remission.


·         Of all potential hosts particularly susceptible to getting infected by the THIEVE-15 virus, White Evangelical Christian was the easiest to infect and probably the type of host most resistant to any form of vaccine. Since accepting assertions without proof was already in their DNA, the THIEVE-15 virus found in this group was the perfect host to infect others with similar critical thinking deficiency.


·         Race is also a big factor in the susceptibility to catching the THIEVE-15 virus. White people without college degrees are particularly receptive to catching the virus. Having no natural defense against B.S., the virus has easily infected this host group that Trump is particularly fond of: “I love uneducated people.” In addition, the THIEVE-15 virus has contaminated large fringed segments of white Americans who fear being replaced by immigrants of different races and ethnicities.

Other fertile infection grounds where the THIEVE-15 virus finds easy hosts are among the bitter, resentful, angry, fearful, neurotic, economically and socially left behind, and conspiracy advocates. But let us not forget a special type of host made of self-serving politicians: the former Republican Party, which now deserves special attention. 

Ordinarily, viruses do not mutate to become cancerous. However, certain viruses become potent to the point of causing cancer in the host, which is exactly the case for the Trump virus once it had infected the Republican Party host.

Here is exactly how the four stages of cancer describe perfectly well the way the THIEVE-15 virus infected the Republican Party and spread metastatically to finally kill its host.

  • Stage Zero: Precancerous change. After Trump was elected president, one can start to perceive subtle changes in the Republican Party’s traditional fashion of governing. At this stage, Trump is nothing more than a lump.

  • Stage One: The tumor is usually small and hasn’t grown outside of the organ it started in. At this stage, the “Trump lump” has mainly infected the GOP and has not yet reached the electoral base of the Republican Party.

  • Stages 2 and 3: The tumor is larger and has grown outside of the organ it started in by spreading to nearby tissue. The GOP contamination is starting to spread to the Republican base, which in turn affects the major GOP organ by making it weaker and more susceptible to stop functioning.

  • Stage four: Metastatic spread. The cancer has spread through the lymphatic system of the Republican Party and changed its DNA.

  • Left untreated, cancer eventually kills its host. And that is exactly what happened to the now-defunct Republican Party.

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