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DONALD TRUMP- What’s in a name?

TRUMP: from the Old French “Trompe” meaning “horn” or “trumpet” to become  “tromper”, in Middle  French meaning “to deceive.” or “Fraud,” which gave us “trumpery” from the French “tromperie” meaning deception, worthless nonsense, rubbish, trash, fooling talk or actions, delusive, shallow, beliefs that are superficially or visually appealing but of little value.

DERIVED EXPRESSION: The verb phrase trump up means “to concoct with the intent to deceive,” to invent or make up a story.

Rarely does such a name describe a person’s character and personality so aptly as Donald Trump, former President of the United States and Republican front-runner to the 2024 Presidential election.

In the meantime, adore or loath him, Donald Trump will without a doubt stand out as one of the most …………. (Fill in the blanks) political figures of this century.

Although Donald Trump would rather describe himself as what he thinks he is not.

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