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The answer in two pictures 

As chaos and a threat  to the world   

    As a Bozo and a sad  and a sad scary clown

 To ask if Trump Donald Trump was unpopular across the world during his tenure as the most powerful man on the planet is like asking if the Pope is catholic. Aside from countries where mini-Trumps are surfing on the populist wave, Donald Trump was broadly loathed as a dangerous buffoon that, in a tantrum, could start bombing the shit of some country. A possibility serious enough that prompted General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Trump Administration, to call his Chinese counterparts, promising to warn them first if he were ordered to attack China. Scary stuff indeed.

Of course, our visceral reaction as Americans is to say, “Who cares?” even if that sentiment reflects on the global image of Americans and how people think of the U.S.. But even if we pretend not to care, it is depressing to think that others believe that the greatest country on earth has elected a moron to represent them. This is certainly not what Trump had in mind when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

More alarming was the fact that the greatest negative attitude towards the U.S. was among some of our closest allies in Europe and elsewhere: countries like Spain, the UK, France, and Germany, where Trump was compared with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. When your closest friends start to compare your leader with the leaders of two of the most undemocratic countries in the world, we should begin to pay attention.

That is why he treats everyone else as dumb, even though his closest senior administrators consider him a moron and the dumbest person they have ever encountered. But that is not news: Already when Trump attended Wharton College,  his marketing Professor William T. Kelly labeled him as the “Dumbest G-damned student I’ve ever seen!.”

What does that say about the millions of Americans who identify with him because they say that Trump is like them?                                                                  

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