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Since nobody is immortal, the day will come when even Donald Trump will go to Heaven or Hell to meet his maker. Donald Trump will then enter the history book and the collective memories. Until then, and without wishing him ill, we can still joke about it.

In 2017, shortly after his election, Trump was invited to participate in the traditional Bastille Day military Parade in Paris. Trump was so impressed that upon his return, he immediately instructed the Pentagon with the following marching orders.

I want a parade like the one in France.”

A few days later, one of Trump’s aid came back and said to him:

“Sir, I had a dream you got your parade. It was miles and miles long, winding through Washington, D.C.. Joyful Americans lined the route, literally in the millions. People were laughing, cheering, and playing in the street. You were riding in the most beautiful carriage.”

Trump asks, “Was I happy?”[1]

The aide answered, “I don’t know, sir. The casket was closed.”  

[1] Unknown author but cited by Elzanna Zapperlli on Quora.

On the more serious side, this is probably how people will remember Donald Trump:

Tombstone designed by D.Trump

In the collective memory


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