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Question with a disturbing answer: Can we live without a brain?

Updated: 2 days ago

If the question begs an answer, it is because many have raised it regarding Trump’s unconditional supporter’s ability to think. That is true since it had been believed that nobody could live without a brain until recently, and those asking the question generally conceded that Trump’s supporters had at least half a brain. But it turned out that this assumption was not even true. It is quite possible to live a normal life with no brain at all[1]. This finding raises several disturbing questions:

·         How many Americans are afflicted with this condition since it cannot be detected unless a person has a reason to receive a CAT scan?

·         To what degree does this condition mentally impair a person?

·         Is it genetic? (a scary thought).

·         How do we know for certain that Donald Trump has a brain?

If the last question should be taken as a joke, the whole prospect that some of us could be classified as “brain dead,” either totally or partially, could explain the attraction that some have for seeking the leadership of someone who thinks for them. So, the real question is this:


EXCERPT FROM “The Second Coming Of Trump The First”

[1] CAT scans of several people in the UK, France and Japan revealed that some people had only 5% of a normal brain while other had none.

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