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"Kamala is quite literally a communist. She wants not merely equal opportunity, but equal outcomes," Musk said in a post on X.

Now that Musk and Trump are buddy-buddy, Elon Musk calling Kamala Harris a communist can only be interpreted as his desire to align himself with Trump’s worldviews and ways of thinking. So, no surprise here.

As far as Trump is concerned, the answer is obvious: Trump does not know anything about anything. So, Commie, Marxist. Socialist, fascist, democrat, it is all the same. In that respect, Trump is not unlike millions of Americans who think alike.

“We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie and steal and cheat on elections and will do anything possible — they’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American dream.” Trump.

If that sounds a little like what Hitler would say it is because it does. Replace “America” with “Germany”, this is almost exactly what Hitler said,  but in German.

It is true,  "Comrade Kamala” has suggested price controls as a matter of economic policy to address a perceived price gouging by calling for "new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules" and saying that she favors more support for smaller food companies.

"I will work to pass the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food."

But this is not any different than what other countries are doing to protect consumers against big companies and the unfair advantage of multinationals over small businesses.

It is also true that Harris also supports a national health care system, subsidized university educations, public housing,  greater taxation on the ultra-rich, and a better social safety net for the needy."

Bottom line: Nobody going bankrupt on medical bills, going into perpetual debts to receive a higher education, and a better redistribution of the country's wealth to the citizens, who wants that in America? We are not Europe.

So yes, on that basis, "Comrade Kamala” is a Commie, a Marxist, a Socialist, and a fascist. In short, a vermin Democrat.


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