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  • Part I of “The Second Coming of Trump The First” deals with the way we should objectively look at ourselves in the mirror to explain why it has been so easy for a demagogue to turn all the flaws, dysfunctions, and shortcomings of our society and political system to his advantage with the blessing of millions of Americans. By doing a post-mortem analysis of all the things we took for granted, assumed, and ignored, and those that finally did us in, this first volume introduces Part II of this two-part book by exposing our country’s deep-seated beliefs that made the “Advent of Trump The First,” not only possible but inevitable.
  • Part II goes into great detail about how Donald Trump applied all the steps of “How to Subvert Democracy for “Dear Leader” wannabes” to orchestrate a “Slow Moving Coup” with the assumed goal of finally realizing the long-awaited Republican Party’s ambition to establish a fascist government in America.

eBook - The Second Coming of "Trump The First" Part I - Second Edition

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  • File also available in KPF and PDF

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