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Following Part I of the book that analyzes the reasons leading to “The Second Coming of Trump the First,” Part II examines more closely Donald Trump as a person, the Republican Party becoming a sect as the Party of Trump, how Trump orchestrated a “Slow Moving Coup” in five Acts, America’s crossroad with destiny, democracy apocalypse, and a possible “Nuclear option” in the event of some States seceding from the Union.

  • Part II puts in evidence a tendency in which America is not leading but following a trend of countries where autocratic leaders use the democratic process to reach their personal goals of wealth and power. Any leader with enough political savvy, communication skills, and charisma can capitalize on anti-establishment, nationalist identity, and economic prosperity, with promises to make the country great again and fix all the wrongs that ill it. The genius of Donald Trump has been to recognize and capitalize on all those latent populist sentiments by unifying many people towards a messianic goal of saving America from ethnical racial replacement, religious irrelevancy, middle-class social marginalization, diminished global influence, and a perceived economic decline.

eBook - The Second Coming of "Trump The First" Part II - Second Edition

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