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Part I – Second Edition

We have all used the slang expression “Shit happens” to mean that life is full of unfortunate unpredictable events that we should take philosophically and move on. That is certainly an attitude that millions of Americans are prepared to take in the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election in the event our democracy is flushed down the toilet. But the interpretation of that expression does not recognize the fact that shit never happens in a vacuum and out of nowhere. When applied to our democracy, “Shit happens” as a consequence of a butterfly effect caused by thousands of little cuts done to our way of life, our social fabric, and the bond that glues us together with the same moral values into one single nation.


Part I of “The Second Coming of Trump The First” deals with the way we should objectively look at ourselves in the mirror to explain why it has been so easy for a demagogue to turn all the flaws, dysfunctions, and shortcomings of our society and political system to his advantage with the blessing of millions of Americans. By doing a post-mortem analysis of all the things we took for granted, assumed, and ignored, and those that finally did us in, this first volume introduces Part II of this two-part book by exposing our country’s deep-seated beliefs that made the “Advent of Trump The First,” not only possible but inevitable.


Part II goes into great detail about how Donald Trump applied all the steps of “How to Subvert Democracy for “Dear Leader” wannabes” to orchestrate a “Slow Moving Coup” with the assumed goal of finally realizing the long-awaited Republican Party’s ambition to establish a fascist government in America.


Shit never happens at random.

It is just a failure of the imagination to forecast the future

and accept the possibility that the worst may happen

PRINT - The Second Coming of "Trump The First" Part I - Second Edition

SKU: 9781068892400
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